The Mental Health Association in Tulsa is dedicated to promoting mental health, preventing mental disorders and achieving victory over mental illness through advocacy, education, research, service and housing. We are a proud affiliate of Mental Health America, the new name and face of the National Mental Health Association.
Thomas L. Williams, Co-Founder, has been active in Rotary since 1986. He has served in numerous offices, including President, on behalf of his local chapter. He is a Paul Harris Fellow, and annually attends the Rotary International Conventions held around the world, as well as in the United States, in support of Rotary’s ongoing effort to vaccinate children worldwide.
Dean C. Williams, Chairman, has been active in supporting the Reason Foundation, a public policy think tank located in Santa Monica, California, since 1985. The Reason Foundation develops and promotes public policies that protect and foster individual choice, personal responsibility, competition and innovation.
St. Jude Children’ s Research Hospital®, located in Memphis, Tennessee, is one of the world’s premier centers for research and treatment of catastrophic diseases in children, primarily pediatric cancers. As the official charity of the National Auctioneers Association, Williams & Williams supports this dedicated effort to find cures for children with catastrophic illnesses through research and treatment.
Street School is a private, nonprofit alternative education and counseling program whose mission is to create a supportive community for students who have chosen to continue their education in a non-traditional setting. Through comprehensive and individualized services, students are enabled to reach their own potential and become responsible and productive adults. Dean Williams has served as a guest speaker, and Williams & Williams provides a subscription to the Wall Street Journal Classroom Edition for the school’s business and leadership classes.
The National Trust for Historic Preservation is a private, nonprofit membership organization dedicated to saving historic places and revitalizing America’s communities. When historic buildings are torn down or allowed to deteriorate, a part of our past disappears forever. When that happens, we lose history that helps us know who we are, and we lose opportunities to live and work in the kinds of interesting and attractive surroundings that older buildings can provide. Williams & Williams is a proud corporate sponsor of the National Trust.
The Tulsa Foundation for Architecture recognizes, records and encourages preservation of the built environment and advocates quality future development that enhances Tulsa’s livability. As a Charter Member of their Board of Sponsors, we are proud to support this effort on behalf of one of America’s great architectural cities.